Simon Hodgkiss’s final words & exit Dialog!

I’ve been sitting here for 15 mins thinking about how to express my thanks to everyone who’s been involved with Distorted Silence over the past 5+ years, and realize that no words can accurately describe my emotions right now.
It’s been a massive honor and a privilege to be involved with this band, and I have made some lifelong friends. Last night’s show was everything I could have hoped for and I want to thank Rico, Dan, Ty and Josh for making it such a special night, as well as everyone who rocked out with us.
Of course, a huge thank you to Jim and Bob for one last jam – it was truly special to share the stage with you one more time. It’s a shame Matt couldn’t be there, but if you’re reading this, know that the times we spent on stage together will forever mean the world to me.
Lastly, I do of course need to thank my wonderfully supportive wife – being married to a member of a band requires a massive amount of understanding and trust, and she has been my number one fan for all these years.

The future remains unknown and perhaps one day I’ll see you all again, but it seems appropriate to end with a couple of lines from a song which has come to mean a lot to me over the past few months, so to quote Jimmy Buffett:

“yesterdays are over my shoulder,
So I can’t look back for too long.
There’s just too much to see waiting in front of me,
and I know that I just can’t go wrong”

Take care…
